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Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum:
The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals
Danish National Museum - Copenhagen: Munskgaard
SNG/ Località Rif.: (*) Bibl.
Storia dell'Arte
1 Italy. 1, Etruria-Campania F.755.A.1/39
2 Italy. 2, Apulia-Lucania Metapontum
3 Italy. 3, Lucania Poseidonia-Bruttium
4 Sicily. 1, Abacaenum-Petra
5 Sicily. 2, Segesta-Sardinia
Thrace. 1, The Tauric Chersonese-Thrace Mesembria
Thrace. 2, Odessus-Sestus Islands, Kings and Dynasts
8 Macedonia. 1, Acanthus-Uranopolis Dynasts
9 Macedonia. 2, Alexander 1.-Alexander 3
10 Macedonia. 3, Philip 3.-Philip 6., Macedonia under the romans, Kings of Paeonia
11 Thessaly-Illiricum
12 Epirus-Acarnania
13 Aetolia-Euboea
14 Attica-Aegina

16 Phliasia-Laconia
Argolis-Aegean Islands
18 Bosporus-Bithynia F.755.A.18
19 Mysia
20 Troas
21 Aelis-Lesbos "
22 Ionia. 1, Clazomenae-Ephesus
23 Ionia. 2, Erythrae-Priene
24 Ionia. 3, Smyrna-Teos Islands
25 Caria. 1, Alabanda-Orthosia
26 Caria. 2, Sebastopolis-Trapezopolis, Satraps-Islands
27 Lydia. 1, Acrasus-Saitta
28 Lydia. 2, Sala-Tripolis
29 Phrygia. 1, Abbaitis-Eumeneia
30 Phrygia. 2, Grimenothyrae-Trajanopolis
31 Lycia-Pamphylia
32 Pisidia
33 Lycaonia-Cilicia
34 Cyprus-Cappadocia, Uncertain coins, Imperial Cistophori
35 Syria Seleucid Kings
36 Syria Cities
37 Phoenicia
38 Palestine-Characene
39 Parthia-India
40 Egypt the Ptolemies / ed. by A. Kromann and O. Morkholm
41 Alexandria-Cyrenaica / edited by Erik Christiansen and Anne Kromann F.755.A.41
42 North-Africa, Syrtica-Mauretania / ed. by G. K. Jenkins
Spain-Gaul / ed. by G. K. Jenkins with the assistance of A. Kromann F.755.A.43, scegli "cataloghi a schede", "Biblioteca di Archeologia e storia dell'arte", "Catalogo per autori e titoli", cerca il gruppo "Sylloge". The British School at Rome, Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Rome, Italy -  tel. +39 06 3264939
Sylloge nummorum Graecorum : the royal collection of coins and medals, Danish National Museum - Zeugitana - Pubblicazione Copenhagen : E. Munksgaard, 1942-1979.  L.153.6.SYLD.1/1-7(35-43).


Denmark COPENHAGEN, The Royal Collection, Danish National Museum
High quality reprint set of vols. 1-43, bound out in 8 hardback volumes.
The set of 8 volumes US$ 1,150.00, € 1,053.63, quotazione: 04/08/23
Volumi Località
1-5 Italy and Sicily
6-10 Thrace and Macedonia
11-17 Greece: Thessaly-Aegean Is.
18-21 Bosporus to Lesbos
22-28 Ionia, Caria and Lydia
29-33 Phrygia to Cilicia
34-39 Cyprus to India
40-43 Egypt-The Ptolemies; Alexandria-Cyrenaica; North Africa: Syrtica-Mauretania;  Spain-Gaul.
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