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Rome, antoninianus, Valerian I and the restored world
..da Ancient Roman Coins
Found this Roman coin earlier today, any ideas please what it is.
plate. 1
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Rome, 25.4.2024
I report below the significant elements regarding the figure coin:

Antoninianus1, mint of Rome, 256-257 A. D., RIC V/I 117var.2 (pag. 47), Cohen V 183 (pag. 315), index of rarity "C"

Summary description (parts of the legend that are worn or no longer legible are indicated in red):
D. IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG3. Valerian I, radiated, draped and cuirassed bust right.
R. RESTITVTOR ORBIS4. Valerian standing left, holding spear and raising kneeling female.

A web search for coins of the figure type produced the following results:

  1. 196, Lot: 340. Estimate $100. Sold for $150. Valerian I. AD 253-260. Antoninianus (20mm, 3.30g, 5h). Rome mint. 3rd emission, AD 256-257. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Valerian standing left, holding spear and raising kneeling female. RIC V 117; MIR 36, 111b; RSC 183. Good VF, brown patina. From the Gordon S. Parry Collection. Ex Italo Vecchi 1 (1-2 February 1996), lot 718.
  2. 221, Lot: 497. Estimate $100. Sold for $105. Valerian I. AD 253-260. AR Antoninianus (21mm, 3.91g, 6h). Rome mint. 3rd emission, AD 256-257. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Valerian standing left, holding spear and raising kneeling female. RIC V 117; MIR 36, 111b; RSC 183. VF, toned. From the Jörg Müller Collection.
  3. Agora Auctions, LLC Pegasi Buy or Bid 154 21 Aug 2018 Lot 430 Estimate: 135 USD Lot unsold VALERIAN I, 253-260 AD. AR Antoninianus (3.91g) of Antioch. Radiate cuirassed bust / Emperor raising female and holding spear. RIC.117. Toned aXF.
  4. vcoins €40.00 Quotazione: 04/23/24 Valerianus I. Antoninianus, struck AD 255-257 at Rome mint. Obv: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: RESTITVTOR ORBIS, emperor standing left, holding spear, raising kneeling woma. 3,07g, 20mm. RIC 117.
  5. numiscorner MONETA, VALERIAN I, ANTONINIANUS 256-257 - Rome - MB+ - Biglione - RIC:117 €24 Qualità MB+ Descrizione dettagliata 3.23g. Denominazione: Antoninianus. Anno: 256-257. Nome della zecca: Rome. Composizione: Biglione. Diametro: 20.5. Personaggio principale: Valerian I. RIC: 117. Riferimento del catalogo NumisCorner: 510030.
  6. numiscorner MONETA, VALERIAN I, ANTONINIANUS 256-257 - Rome - MB+ - Biglione - RIC:117 Qualità MB+ €55 Descrizione dettagliata 3g. Denominazione: Antoninianus. Anno: 256-257. Nome della zecca: Rome. Composizione: Biglione. Diametro: 21. Personaggio principale: Valerian I. Riferimento del catalogo NumisCorner: 1170907.
  7. Vente aux enchères 117 Lot 975 VALÉRIEN Ier (253-260). Antoninien. Rome. Obv: IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS PF. AV. Description VALÉRIEN Ier (253-260). Antoninien. Rome. Obv : IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS PF AVG. Buste radié, drapé et cuirassé à droite. Rév : RESTITVTOR ORBIS. Valériane debout à gauche, tenant une lance et soulevant une femme agenouillée à droite. MIR 111b; RIC 117. Condition: Très bien. Poids: 4,14g. Diamètre: 24mm. Enchère Prix ​​réalisé 55 euros. 4 enchères. Prix ​​de départ 40 euros. Estimation 50 euros.
  8. Prix 47,26£ 54,95 euros Qualité: VF(30-35) Matériel: Billon. Poids: 3,30g. État neuf: Rome. Marque d'atelier: Rome. Personnage principal: Valérien Ier. Buste radié et drapé à droite, Empereur debout à gauche, tenant une lance, levant une femme agenouillée, IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS PF AVG, RESTITVTOR ORBIS.
  9. Lot 3076. Starting price: 70 EUR. Price realized: 400 EUR. Valerian I. Antoninianus. 256-257 d.C. Rome. (Ric-V.1 117). (Seaby-183). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev.: RESTITVTOR ORBIS. Emperor standing to left, raising kneeling woman and holding spear. Ag. 3,13g. Original luster. Almost MS. Est...150,00. Spanish Description: Valeriano I. Antoniniano. 256-257 d.C. Roma. (Ric-V.1 117). (Seaby-183). Anv.: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG. Busto radiado, drapeado y coracuchado hacia la derecha. Rev.: RESTITVTOR ORBIS. Emperador de pie a la izquierda, levantando a una mujer arrodillada y sosteniendo una lanza. Ag. 3,13g. Brillo original. SC-. Est...150,00.
  10.,brm_623276,a.html brm_623276 - VALÉRIEN Ier Antoninien 80,00€ type: Antoninien. Dates: 255-256. Nom de l'atelier / Ville: Roma Métal: milliard. Titre millésimal: 250‰. Diamètre: 22mm. Matrices d'orientation: 6h. Poids: 2,95g. COMMENTAIRES SUR LA CONDITION: Bel exemplaire avec un joli buste bien venu. Patine grise. Traces de petites concrétions vertes au droit. RÉFÉRENCES CATALOGUE: - MIR.36/111b (53 ex.) - RIC.117 - C.183 - Eauze1181 (256 ex.) - Cunetio- FACE Titulature avers: IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS PF AVG. Description avers: Buste radié, drapé et cuirassé de Valérien Ier à droite, vu de trois quarts en avant (A). Traduction avers: « Imperator Cæsar Publius Licinius Valerianus Pius Felix Augustus », (L'empereur césar Publius Licinius Valérien pieux heureux auguste). INVERSE Titulature revers: RESTITVTOR ORBIS. Description revers : Valérien Ier, vêtu militairement, tenant un sceptre de la main gauche, tendant la main à une femme agenouillée qu'il relève. Traduction inversée: « Restitutor Orbis », (Le Restaurateur du monde). CONTEXTE HISTORIQUE VALÉRIENNE I. (07/253-06/260). Valérien est né en 193 et ​​mène une brillante carrière politique et militaire. Principal collaborateur de Trajan Dèce, il fut proclamé août en 253. Il se débarrassa tour à tour de Trébonien Galle et Volusien, puis d'Émilien, et associe aussitôt son fils Gallien au trône. En 256, une invasion gothique menace les provinces de la mer Noire. Shapur (Sapor), roi sassanide, arrive devant Antioche l'année suivante. Valérien Ier commença la grande persécution contre les chrétiens en 258. En 259, l'Empire, déjà affaibli, fut envahi sur le limes rhénan-danubien et à l'Est. Chapour (Sapor) s'empare d'Antioche. Valérien va à sa rencontre, mais est battu et fait prisonnier. Chapour (Sapor) utilisera l'empereur déchu comme tremplin avant de le faire écorcher vif. Les chrétiens y voient le châtiment de Dieu punissant la persécution, que Gallien s'est empressé de mettre fin.
I conclude by noting that the general characteristics and style of the coin do not differ from those of period coins of the same type. The physical characteristics are lacking, which is why comparative examination with authentic coins of the period is not possible. In its present state of preservation, the market value of the coin, if authentic, is in my opinion around EUR 20.

Best regards.
Giulio De Florio



(1) Antoninianus (silver alloy, 250‰). I collect in the table below the physical characteristics of the antoniniani of the figure type found on the web:

Riference Weight(g) Die Axis (h) Diameter(mm)
link1 3,30 5 20
link2 3,91 6 21
3,91 - -
3,07 - 20
3,23 - 20,5
3 - 21
4,14 - 24
3,30 - -
3,13 - -
2,95 6 22
In the absence of the physical characteristics of the coin under examination, it will not be possible to carry out a comparative examination with coins of the same type found on the web.
(2) I classified the coin as a variant of RIC V/I 117 because, according to Ric 117, the emperor should be radiate and paludate but not cuirassed.
(3) IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG (IMPerator Caesar Publius LICinius VALERIANVS Pius Felix AVGustus). On the death of Trebonianus, Valerian was proclaimed emperor (253) by the army and was immediately recognised by the senate. His domestic policy was conservative in character and aimed at agreement with the senate. Continuing the religious policy of Decius, he persecuted the Christians, promulgating (257) a first edict by which he imposed the observance of state worship on Christians and forbade them to gather in assemblies and enter cemeteries, which he confiscated, along with all Christian property. With a second edict (258) he established the death penalty for bishops, priests, deacons and also senators, knights and high officials who continued to profess the Christian faith, even though they had lost their dignity; the most illustrious victims were St Sixtus II and St Lawrence in Rome, and in Africa St Cyprian. Outside, the conditions of the Empire were grave: enemies were pressing in from all sides. Valerian was joined in the defence of the Empire by his son Gallienus, to whom he entrusted the war in the West; he was mainly concerned with defending the eastern borders, which were threatened by the Persians of Shapur I who had invaded Syria; he had several successes and was celebrated as "Restitutor orientis". When Shapur I laid siege to Edessa, Valerian faced him with an army decimated by a plague; he was taken prisoner (259) and ended his life in captivity. The final humiliation of the Roman emperor was realised when Shapur used Valerian as a stool to mount his horse and his body was skinned, becoming an imperishable symbol of Roman defeat. The subjugation of Valerian I, captured in Edessa, was carved into the rock at Nagsha Röstam at the behest of Shapur. To give an idea of the geographical dimensions of the Persian Empire, I have shown in the map below the location of Edessa in Asia Minor where Valerian was captured and that of Nagsha Röstam, the site of the rock sculpture in the heart of Persia.

Nagsha Röstam's rock sculpture, truly impressive in its symbolism, is depicted on another page of this site.
For further information on Valerian and the history of Christianity, see:
(4) RESTIT VTOR ORBIS (Restorer of the world). The kneeling female figure symbolically represents the world restored by the ruler.
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