Indice Dietro Avanti
Roma o Brindisi, denario, Ottaviano e il giogo di buoi
..da Identificazione Monete (numismatica).
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fig. 1
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Roma, 10.6.2024
di seguito riporto gli elementi significativi riguardanti la moneta di figura:

Denario1, zecca italica (Brindisi o Roma), 29÷27 a. C., RIC I 272 (pag. 60), BMC I 638 (pag. 104), Cohen I 117 (pag. 81), indice di rarità "C".

Descrizione sommaria:
D. Anepigrafe, Apollo, testa laureata a destra2. Bordo lineare.
R. Ottaviano, velato e laureato, ara con un giogo di buoi verso destra, frusta nella mano sinistra. IMP CAESAR in esergo3. Bordo lineare.

La ricerca nel web di monete della tipologia di figura ha dato luogo ai seguenti risultati:

  1.!/auction/lot?a=66&l=44&c=853 Auctions 94-96, lot 44 Description The Roman Empire Octavian, 32 – 29 BC Denarius, Brundisium or Roma 29-27 BC, AR 3.72g. Laureate head of Apollo r. Rev. Octavian, veiled and laureate, holding whip and ploughing with yoke of oxen to r.; in exergue, IMP CAESAR. C 117. BMC 638. RIC 272. Sear Imperators 424. CBN 92. Light iridescent tone and good extremely fine. Ex NAC sale 23, 2002, 1453. From the Alberto Campana collection. This issue is related to the foundation of new cities/towns necessary to settle the Roman troops after the long civil war. The perimeter of such locations was defined by plowing a border line around the new region. This was one of the great challenges facing Octavian as he needed to fulfill the promises to all the soldiers who were retiring after years of protracted service. The simple design of this coin understates the tremendous importance of this achievement. Not only did Octavian meet the promises made to the troops but he spread Roman settlements throughout the empire. It really was one of his finer acts at this time. MSG. Price realized 3'250 CHF Starting price 2'400 CHF. Estimate 3'000 CHF.
  2. 605 200,-- AR-Denar 30-29 v. Chr., Mzst. in Italien (Rom oder Brindisi?) 3.73g. Vs.: Kopf des Apollo (mit den Gesichtszügen des Octavian) mit Lorbeerkranz n. r., Rs.: Pflüger (Octavian?) mit Ochsengespann n. r., im Abschnitt IMP.CAESAR, RIC 272; Coh. 117. min. dezentriert, etwas flau, sonst fast vz ex KPM, Auktion 43, 1992, Los 279 Die Reversdarstellung bezieht sich auf die Stadtgründung von Nikopolis an der Stelle, an der Octavian Marc Anton besiegt hatte.
  3. Lot 1797 Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.62g, 6h), uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?), autumn 30-summer 29. Laureate head of Apollo of Actium to right, with features resembling Octavian. Rev. IMP•CAESAR Octavian, as city founder, veiled and in priestly robes, ploughing to right with yoke of oxen, holding yoke-handle in his right hand and holding whip in his left. Babelon (Julia) 156. BMC 638. CBN 92. Cohen 117. CRI 424. RIC 272. Somewhat corroded and with some scratches, otherwise, about very fine. Starting price: 75 CHF. Hammer price: 220 CHF. Number of bids: 6 Bids.
  4. Lot 3282Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.90g, 8h), uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?), autumn 30-summer 29. Laureate head of Apollo of Actium to right, with features resembling Octavian. Rev. IMP•CAESAR Octavian, as city founder, veiled and in priestly robes, ploughing to right with yoke of oxen, holding yoke-handle in his right hand and holding whip in his left. Babelon (Julia) 156. BMC 638. CBN 92. Cohen 117. CRI 424. RIC 272. Light porosity and scratches, and the reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. From the collection of Mark Gibbons, Newcastle, ex Roma E-Auction 103, 24 November 2022, 928. Starting price: 100 CHF. Hammer price: 340 CHF. Number of bids: 9 Bids.
  5. cngcoins Electronic Auction 551 Lot nuber 366 The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.10g, 7h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). Fine. Electronic Auction 551 Lot: 366. Estimated: $ 100. Roman Republican, Silver. Sold For $ 80. The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.10 g, 7h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). Laureate head of Apollo of Actium right, with features resembling Octavian / Octavian, as city founder, holding whip and plow-handle, plowing right with yoke of oxen. CRI 424; RIC I 272; RSC 117. Toned, banker’s marks, porosity and scratches. Fine. Closing Date and Time: 29 November 2023 at 12:01:40 ET.
  6. Lot 191Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.76g, 6h), uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?), autumn 30-summer 29. Laureate head of Apollo of Actium to right, with features resembling Octavian. Rev. IMP•CAESAR Octavian, as city founder, veiled and in priestly robes, ploughing to right with yoke of oxen, holding yoke-handle in his right hand and holding whip in his left. Babelon (Julia) 156. BMC 638. CBN 92. Cohen 117. CRI 424. RIC 272. A bright, lustrous and very attractive piece. Very minor die shift on the reverse, otherwise, virtually as struck. Estimate: 1000 CHF. Starting price: 800 CHF. Hammer price: 1700 CHF.
  7. cngcoins CNG Feature Auction 124 Lot nuber 592. The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 3.82g, 8h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). Good VF. CNG Feature Auction 124. Lot: 592. Estimated: $1 000 Roman Republican, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver. Sold For $ 1 600. The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 3.82 g, 8h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). Laureate head of Apollo of Actium right, with features resembling Octavian / Octavian, as city founder, holding whip and plow-handle, plowing right with yoke of oxen. CRI 424; RIC I 272; RSC 117. Attractive cabinet toning with some light iridescence and luster, banker’s mark on obverse. Good VF. Ex Lampasas Collection (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 484, 27 January 2021), lot 706; Andrew McCabe Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 112, 11 September 2019), lot 577; Heritage 3030 (5 January 2014), lot 23913; Manhattan Sale 4 (8 January 2013), lot 129; Sotheby’s (30 March 1995), lot 1034.
  8. cngcoins CNG Feature Auction 124 Lot nuber 591 The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (16mm, 3.82g, 12h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). EF. CNG Feature Auction 124. Lot: 591. Estimated: $750. Roman Republican, Coin-in-Hand Video, Silver. Sold For $ 1 100. The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (16mm, 3.82 g, 12h). Uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?). Laureate head of Apollo of Actium right, with features resembling Octavian / Octavian, as city founder, holding whip and plow-handle, plowing right with yoke of oxen. CRI 424; RIC I 272; RSC 117. Toned and lustrous, trace die rust on obverse. EF.
  9. Lot 1618Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.83g, 12h), uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?), autumn 30-summer 29. Laureate head of Apollo of Actium to right, with features resembling Octavian. Rev. IMP•CAESAR Octavian, as city founder, veiled and in priestly robes, ploughing to right with yoke of oxen, holding whip in his left hand and yoke-handle in his right. Babelon (Julia) 156. BMC 638. CBN 92. Cohen 117. RIC 272. Lustrous and fresh. Light scratches on the obverse and with a small graffito on the reverse, otherwise, virtually as struck. Starting price: 200 CHF. Hammer price: 1500 CHF. Number of bids: 17 Bids.
  10. Lot 4090Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 4.05g, 9h), uncertain mint in Italy (Rome?), autumn 30-summer 29. Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. IMP•CAESAR Octavian, as city founder, veiled and in priestly robes, ploughing to right with yoke of oxen, holding whip in his left hand and yoke-handle in his right. BMC 638. Cohen 117. RIC 272. A few light marks and the reverse struck off-center, otherwise, very fine. Starting price: 100 CHF. Hammer price: 440 CHF. Number of bids: 17 Bids.
Concludo osservando che le caratteristiche generali e di stile della moneta appaiono assimilabili a quelle dei conî d'epoca. Mancano le caratteristiche fisiche. Se autentica, nel presente stato di conservazione il suo valore venale non dovrebbe superare i cento euro.

Un saluto cordiale.
Giulio De Florio



(1) Raccolgo in tabella le caratteristiche fisiche dei denari della tipologia di figura presenti nei link sopra indicati:

Link Peso(g) Diametro Asse di conio
1 3,72 - -
2 3,73 - -
3 3,62 20 6
4 3,90 19 8
5 3,10 18 7
6 3,76 20 6
7 3,82 18,5 8
3,82 16 12
9 3,83 19 12
10 4,05 20 9
In assenza delle caratteristiche fisiche (peso, diametro, reazione alla calamita) del campione in esame non sarà possibile svolgere un esame comparativo con le monete autentiche del periodo.
(2) La moneta mostra al dritto Apollo con i tratti di Ottaviano e al rovescio un sacerdote che conduce un giogo di buoi; Ottaviano, nelle sembianze di dio dei coloni, si propone come  fondatore della città.
(3) L'emissione è legata alla fondazione di nuove città, necessarie per l'insediamento delle truppe romane dopo la lunga guerra civile. Il perimetro di queste località veniva definito tracciando una linea di confine intorno alla nuova regione. Questa fu una delle grandi sfide che Ottaviano dovette affrontare, poiché doveva mantenere le promesse fatte a tutti i soldati che andavano in pensione dopo anni di servizio prolungato. La semplicità del disegno di questa moneta sottolinea l'enorme importanza di questo risultato. Ottaviano non solo mantenne le promesse fatte alle truppe, ma diffuse gli insediamenti romani in tutto l'impero. Fu davvero una delle sue azioni più belle in questo periodo.
Indice Dietro Avanti