Roma, 20.2.2023
di seguito riporto gli elementi significativi
riguardanti la moneta di figura:
Siracusa, 405÷367 a. C.2, SNG Cop.
Italy 722 Syracuse, BMC II
292 (pag. 187)3
Descrizione sommaria (sono indicate in rosso le
parti della leggenda usurate o comunque non più
D. Atena, testa elmata a sinistra con elmo corinzio
(senza delfini e senza bordo). ΣYPA4
rovesciata a sinistra lungo il naso dell'elmo.
R. Ippocampo a sinistra5.
La ricerca nel web di monete della tipologia di
figura ha dato luogo ai seguenti risultati:
SICILY SYRACUSE 400-380BC Obv: Head of Athena left
wearing Corinthian helmet, dolphin behind. Rev:
Hippocampus left over waves 18.00mm. US $76.76
- vcoins
SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ
Hemilitron Struck circa 400 BC. Head of Athena
left, wearing Corinthian helmet / Hippocamp left.
SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ
Hemilitron 18mm, 8,42g,. Struck circa 400 BC. Head
of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet /
Hippocamp left. CNS 34; SNG ANS 429. VF Rates for:
02/19/23. PriceSKU: €75.30 SICILY, Syracuse.
Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ Hemilitron Struck circa
400 BC.
- vcoins
SICILY, Syracuse. Circa 390 BC. � Litra (7.98
gm). SURA, helmeted head of Athena left, wearing
necklace and Corinthian helmet decorated with an
olive wreath; dolphins before and behind /
Hippocamp left. SNG ANS 447; Calciati II pg. 87,
42; SNG Copenhagen 722; SNG Morcom 704;.Superb
animal type which is depicted in wonderful style.
The obverse is a little rough on the periphery,
but the reverse depiction is nearly perfect. A
great type. Price SKU: €94.12 Rates for: 02/19/23
SICILY, Syracuse Circa 390 BC. Æ Litra (7.98 gm).
Syracuse AE Litra, c. 400 BC Syracuse, Sicily. AE
Litra (20mm, 8.26g), c. 400 BC. Obv. Helmeted head
of Athena left, ΣYPA to left, two dolphins in
fields. Rev. Hippocamp to left. SNG ANS 447;
Calciati II, 87, 42; Boehringer 32, 42 and pl. 39,
42. Rough edges. Very fine.
Syracuse, Sicily, Dionysos I, 405 - 367 B.C.
Dionysius I was tyrant of Syracuse. He conquered
several cities in Sicily and southern Italy,
opposed Carthage's influence in Sicily and made
Syracuse the most powerful of the Western Greek
colonies. He was regarded by the ancients as an
example of the worst kind of despot - cruel,
suspicious and vindictive. GI76358. Bronze
hemilitron, Calciati II p. 76, 34 (c. 409 B.C.);
HGC 2 1456 (c. 375 - 344 B.C.); BMC Sicily p. 187,
292; SNG ANS 426 ff. (end 5th c. B.C.); SNG Cop -,
gVF, attractive style, tight flan, some light
corrosion, Syracuse mint, weight 5.429g, maximum
diameter 18.0mm, die axis 90o, c. 405 - 390 B.C.;
obverse ΣYPA, head of Athena left, wearing
Corinthian helmet, no ornament on helmet, no
control symbols; reverse hippocamp left, no
bridle; SOLD.
Emporium Hamburg Auction 78 25-26 Apr 2017
Lot 49 Estimate: 50 EUR. Price realized: 80 EUR
ITALIEN, SIZILIEN / Stadt Syrakus, AE Trias
(Timoleon, 344-336 v.Chr.). Kopf der Athena mit
korinth. Helm l., darauf Ölzweig. Rs.Hippocampus
l. 7,82g. Aus Korinth, der Mutterstadt von
Syrakus, traf 344 v.Chr. eine Flotte unter
Timoleon ein. Sear 1193, BMC 2.187.292, SNG
Cop.722, ss.
Emporium Hamburg Alpha Auction 9 10 Jul 2022 Lot
27 Starting price: 25 EUR Lot unsold ITALIEN,
SIZILIEN / Stadt Syrakus, AE Trias (Timoleon,
344-336 v.Chr.). Kopf der Athena mit korinth. Helm
l. Rs.Hippocampus l. 9,15g. ss/ Sear 1193;
BMC 2.187.290.
Emporium Hamburg Auction 78 25-26 Apr 2017
Lot 49 Estimate: 50 EUR Price realized: 80 EUR
ITALIEN, SIZILIEN / Stadt Syrakus, AE Trias
(Timoleon, 344-336 v.Chr.). Kopf der Athena mit
korinth. Helm l., darauf Ölzweig. Rs.Hippocampus
l. 7,82g. Aus Korinth, der Mutterstadt von
Syrakus, traf 344 v.Chr. eine Flotte unter
Timoleon ein. Sear 1193, BMC 2.187.292, SNG
Cop.722, ss.
- vcoins
SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ
Litra. Ancient Coins - SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios
I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra.Ancient Coins - SICILY.
Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC.Obv. Head of
Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet;
ΣYPA[ΣΩ]ΣIA to left. Rev. Unbridled hippocamp to
left. CNS II 35 | HGC 2, 1456. VF condition; brown
surfaces. Bronze, 7.58 gm, 18 mm. Rare variant
(obverse legend). PriceSKU: Numis298 € 300.00
Rates for: 02/19/23. SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios
I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra. Ancient Coins - SICILY.
Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra.Ancient
Coins - SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC.
Æ Litra. SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367
BC. Æ Litra. Obv. Head of Athena left, wearing
Corinthian helmet; ΣYPA[ΣΩ]ΣIA to left. Rev.
Unbridled hippocamp to left. CNS II 35 | HGC 2,
1456. VF condition; brown surfaces. Bronze, 7.58g,
18mm. Rare variant (obverse legend).
- vcoins
SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ
Litra. Ancient Coins - SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios
I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra.Ancient Coins - SICILY.
Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra.
SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ
Litra. Obv. Head of Athena left, wearing
Corinthian helmet; ΣYPA to left. Rev. Unbridled
hippocamp to left. CNS II 35 | HGC 2, 1456. VF
condition; dark green patina with some traces of
brown. Bronze, 6.14g, 17/16mm. €100.00 SICILY.
Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ Litra. Obv.
Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet;
ΣYPA to left. Rev. Unbridled hippocamp to left.
CNS II 35 | HGC 2, 1456. VF condition; dark green
patina with some traces of brown. Bronze, 6.14g,
Lot # 173 Sicily, Dionysius I (405-367), Litra,
Syracuse, c. 405-367 BC, AE (9,11g; 20mm; h3),
ΣYPA, head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian
helmet, at side, two dolphins, Rv. Hippocamp l.
CNS II, 44; SNG Copenhagen 722; SNG ANS 447.
Scarce variant, green patina, very fine. Starting
price: €40.
Concludo osservando che, per quanto consentito da una
valutazione a distanza, le caratteristiche fisiche,
generali e di stile della moneta in esame appaiono non
difformi da quelle delle monete autentiche dello
stesso tipo reperite nel web. Il valore venale della
moneta nel presente stato di conservazione potrebbe, a
mio avviso, aggirarsi sui 60,00€.
Un saluto cordiale.
Giulio De Florio
(1) Litra
(bronzo). Riporto in tabella le caratteristiche
fisiche delle monete della tipologia di figura reperite nel web:
Riferimenti |
Peso(g) |
Diametro(mm) |
asse di conio (h) |
Link1 |
- |
18 |
- |
Link2 |
8,42 |
18 |
- |
Link3 |
7,98 |
- |
- |
Link4 |
8,26 |
20 |
6 |
Link5 |
5,429 |
18 |
9 |
Link6 |
8,50 |
- |
- |
Link7 |
9,15 |
- |
- |
Link8 |
7,82 |
- |
- |
Link9 |
7,58 |
18 |
- |
Link10 |
6,14 |
16-17 |
- |
Dalla tabella si evince che le caratteristiche
fisiche della moneta in esame (7,8g, 21,2mm, 6h)
rientrano nei margini di variabilità delle monete
dello stesso tipo presenti nel web.
(2) La moneta fu battuta urante
l'arco di regno di Dionisio I, il vecchio, tiranno
di Siracusa (405÷367 a. C.), il cui profilo
biografico è disponibile per la consultazione nell'
enciclopedia Treccani online.
(3) BMC II 292 è il categorico
di questa moneta senza delfini e senza bordo.
(4) L'etnico abbreviato ΣYPA
(dei siracusani) indica in Siracusa lo stato
L'ippocampo evidenzia
genericamente che Siracusa è una città marittima. |