Indice Dietro Avanti
Balbino e la Previdenza divina
Buon giorno signor De Florio
Le invio in allegato le foto della moneta, chiedendo la sua consulenza, qui di seguito riporto i dati caratteristici della medesima
-Peso gr. 22,0
-Diametro minimo mm. 29,6
-Diametro massimo mm. 31,4
-Spessore massimo mm. 4,2
-Magnetica: NO
-Materiale: Bronzo
-Colore: Prevalentemente verde
-Asse di conio: ore 12
La ringrazio vivamente e resto in attesa del suo riscontro
Cordiali saluti.
fig. 1
Roma, 6.11.2005
Egregio Lettore,
mi sono già occupato di questa tipologia monetale in altra pagina di questo sito, dalla quale riprenderò gli argomenti esposti di seguito (ho contrassegnato in rosso i caratteri della leggenda ormai scomparsi a causa dell'usura):

Sesterzio1, zecca di Roma, RIC IV/II 19, BMC VI 34, C V 24, aprile-giugno 238 d. C., indice di rarità "S"

D. IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG2. Balbino busto a destra, laureato, drappeggiato e corazzato.
R. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM3. S C. La Previdenza divina in piedi a sinistra sorregge con la mano destra un bastone puntato su un globo e con la sinistra una cornucopia.

La ricerca nel web di monete di pari tipologia ha prodotto i seguenti risultati:

  1. Sale: CNG 69, Lot: 1458. Closing Date: Jun 08, 2005. BALBINUS. 238 AD. Æ Sestertius (22.31 gm, 12h). Bidding Closed Estimate $500 BALBINUS. 238 AD. Æ Sestertius (22.31 gm, 12h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and cornucopiae. RIC V 19; BMCRE 34; Cohen 24. VF, dark brown patina with patches of blue-green. Rare. ($500) Copyright © CNG 2002 Developed by DataArt 2002 High bid of $450, $517.5 including 15% buyers fee, or approximately €364.5, £247.5, C$562.5, A$585, on June 8, 2005.
  2. Balbinus. 238 AD. Æ Sestertius (16.38 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and cornucopiae. RIC IV 19; Cohen 24. VF, brown patina. 712959.

  4. Description Price R76 Balbinus, AD 238, AE sestertius (18.84g). Obv: Laureate, draped $275 and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Providentia stg. l. holding scepter, cornucopia. RIC 19. This scarce coin has a super original patina with earthen recesses which nicely offset the fields from the devices. This type is currently available in this grade and price range, but none I’ve seen are nearly as pleasing to the eye. F+. Coins of Antiquity Post Office Box 193 Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone (919) 644-6069 Fax (919) 644-7506 E-mail: Copyright © 1999-2000 Coins of Antiquity All rights reserved. Web design and hosting by ForeverMedia, LLC 

  6. ORC9475 Balbinus sestertius, VF Balbinus, Æ sestertius, (23.91g) IMP CAES D CAE L BALBINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / PROVIDENTIA DEORVM Providentia standing left, holding cornucopia, and pointing with wand to globe at fee. C24. VF, dark chocolate patina, fields smoothed and some letters subtly strengthened. Currently$310.00 Apr-02-01

  8. ORC5554 Balbinus sestertius VF Balbinus, Æ sestertius, (15.58g) IMP CAES D CAE L BALBINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / PROVIDENTIA DEORVM Providentia standing left, holding cornucopia, and pointing with wand to globe at fee. RIC 19; C 24 VF CurrentlyUS $208.00 May-13-02
  9. Sale: CNG 61, Lot: 2018. Closing Date: Sep 25, 2002. BALBINUS. BID Estimate $400 BALBINUS. 238 AD. Æ Sestertius (21.35 gm). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and cornucopiae. RIC IV 19; BMCRE 34; Cohen 24. VF, brown patina. ($400) Copyright © CNG 2002
  10. 289. Sesterce, (22/04-29/07/238), 238, Rome, 1èreém., (Ae, 29x27 mm., 12 h., 20,58 g.). (). A/ IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG. Buste lauré, drapé et cuirassé à droite vu de trois quarts en avant (A*). R/ PROVIDENTIA DEORVM/ S|C. ". Providentia (La Providence) debout de face tournée à gauche, tenant une corne d'abondance de la main gauche et un bâton de la main droite placé au-dessus d'un globe. C.24 (12f.) - RIC.19 - BMC.34 - RC.2404 (300£). Flan irrégulier, légèrement ovale. Beau portrait. Jolie patine vert foncé. Petites traces de corrosion dans le champ du revers. R. TTB 1500FF. 2500FF. Malgré ce revers prometteur, Balbin ne réussit pas à s'entendre avec son collègue Pupien. Ils furent d'abord obliger d'adopter le dernier survivant mâle de la famille des Gordiens (Gordien le Jeune), promu César le 22 mai 238. Balbin et Pupien furent tous les deux assassinés.
  11. BALBIN (02-04/05/238) Decimus Cælius Balbinus Sesterce, (GB, Æ 31) - 238 N° v09_0332 Click on the picture to enlarge. Mint name : Rome Issue : 1re Diameter in mm : 31 mm Die axis : 12 h. Metal : Bronze Actual weight : 21,78 g. Legal weight : 23,19 g. Pieces to the mark : 1/14L., 20,5 scrupules Current for : 4 as OBVERSE Legend : IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG. Translation : "Imperator Cæsar Decimus Cælius Balbinus Augustus", (L'empereur césar Décimus Caélius Balbin auguste). Description : Buste lauré, drapé et cuirassé de Balbin à droite vu de trois quarts en avant (A*). REVERSE Legend : PROVIDENTIA DEORVM/ S|C. Translation : (La Providence des dieux). Description : Providentia (la Providence) debout de face tournée à gauche, tenant une corne d'abondance de la main gauche et un bâton placé au-dessus d'un globe de la main droite. Reference number in specialised litterature : C.24 (12f.) - RIC.19 - RC.2404 (300£) Description of the condition of the coin : Patine verte. Le champ a été légèrement gratté. Frappe molle au revers. Rarity level : RR Condition : TB+ / TB Starting price 1 000 FRF Estimate 1 900 FRF About this type : Le revers s'adresse aux deux empereurs Balbin et Pupien. History : Après l'éviction des Gordiens en Afrique, le Sénat nomma deux de ses membres pour lutter contre Maximin, dont la descente vers l'Italie se trouva arrêtée devant Aquilée, où il devait être assassiné en avril 238. Balbin, grand administrateur, resta à Rome pendant que Pupien prenait la direction des affaires militaires. Malgré cette efficace distribution des rôles, Balbin ne réussit pas à s'entendre avec son collègue Pupien. Ils furent d'abord obligés d'adopter le dernier survivant mâle de la famille des Gordiens (Gordien le Jeune), promu césar en février ou mars. Balbin et Pupien furent tous les deux assassinés, peut-être fin avril ou début mai. La nouvelle chronologie repose sur les travaux du regretté A. Chastagnol et son irremplaçable introduction à l'Histoire Auguste, op. cit., p.696.
  12. Sestertius 31mm, 21.78g AD238 , Rome
  13. Balbinus, 238 A.D. AE Sesterius, 19.73g. 30mm. IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust r. Rv. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM S C. Providentia std. l. RIC 19. Scarce See more detailed image Very Fine $950.00.
  14. Ruler: Balbinus Co-Emperor with Pupienus Reigned: Jan-July 238 AD Denomination: AE Sestertius Mint: Rome Date of Issue: 238 A.D. Obverse: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. "IMP. CAES. D. CAEL BALBINVS AVG." Reverse: Providence standing left holding baton and sceptre, leaning on column, globe at feet. "PROVIDENTIA DEORVM S.C."[1] Reference: RCVM 8499, RIC 19 Weight: 15.6 gms Diameter: 28.9 mm Comment: [1] =Providentia, godess; Senatus Consulto BALBINUS (Decius Caelius Calvinus Balbinus) The emperor Maximinus I had subdued the Rhine and Danube frontiers, but these military operations were expensive and unpopular for those that had to pay for them. In January 238 at Thysdrus in Africa Proconsularis, a province of North Africa, a group of aristocrats killed the pro-Maximinus fiscal procurator and declared the governor of the province, the 80 year old Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus (Gordian I), and his 46 year old son, (Gordian II), Augustii. When Maximinus, who was at Sirmium (near Belgrade), heard the news he at once assembled an army and advanced on Rome. Meanwhile, Capellianus the governor of Numidia, bordering Africa Proconsularis, marched on Carthage, where the younger Gordian was killed. When his father heard the news he hanged himself, after just 20 days in power. As the Senate had supported the Gordians, it was now in danger from Maximinus. They therefore elected two of their number, Pupienus and Balbinus, as joint rulers. Because this was not popular with the citizens of Rome, the Senate also chose the 13 year old grandson of Gordian I (Gordian III) as caesar. Maximinus, having reached Italy, found the gates of the city of Aquileia closed to him. He beseiged the city, but his own soldiers were plotting against him. Some of his own solders from the Legion 'Parthica' and some from the praetorian guard, from Rome, forced their way into his tent and killed him. Also killed was his 23 year-old son, Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus, who had been raised to the rank of Caesar two years before. The assassins took the heads of Maximinus and his son to Ravenna, where Pupienus was mustering troops, and then to Rome. Pupienus disbanded the forces of both sides and he returned to Rome. The two emperors, Balbinus and Pupienus had begun to fall out. At the beginning of May 238, a group of praetorians rushed the palace, seized the two of them, and dragged them naked through the streets of Rome, and finally murdered in the praetorian camp.They had reigned a 99 days. The praetorians proclaimed Gordian III emperor of Rome.
  15. Boston 34.1431 Boston 34.1431: Obverse: Laureate bust of Balbinus Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Boston 34.1431: Reverse: Providentia standing, with stick and cornucopia; globe at left Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Anonymous Gift in Memory of Zoë Wilbour Material: Bronze Denomination: Sestertius Mint: Rome Region: Latium Date: exact A.D. 238 Period: Third Century A.C. Issuing Authority: Roman Senate Actual Weight: 25.52 g. Die Axis: Diameter: 32 mm. Obverse Type: Within a dotted circle, the laureate bust of Antoninus Pius, bearded, draped and cuirassed, facing right Obverse Legend: IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG (around) Reverse Type: Within a dotted circle stands the draped figure of Providentia (Providence) in 3/4-view to the left. She holds a cornucopia in her left arm and points with a stick in her right hand to a globe at her feet. Reverse Legend: PROVIDENTIA DEORVM (around); S C (across field, left and right) Commentary: Imperial sestertius Sources Used: RIC IV.2, 171, no. 19; Cohen 1880-1892, 5.11, 24 (Alan E. Kaiser).
  16. Balbinus, april - july 238 AD. Sestertius, 238. Sestertius (AE 30-32 mm), Rome, 238 AD. IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Cuirassed, draped and laureate head r. Rv. PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM / S C Providentia standing l. , holding cornucopiae in left hand, and staff over globe. 22,17gr. Good very fine. Green patina. Nice big flan. C.24; BMC 253,35; RIC 171,19. Price US$ 950 € 803.30 £ 542.63 AUD$ 1298.36 CHF 1240.38 CAD$ 1122.05 Rates for 11/4/2005.
Concludo osservando che le caratteristiche fisiche e di stile della moneta appaiono compatibili con i conî d'epoca.

Un saluto cordiale.
Giulio De Florio



(1) Traggo dal  sito dell'ANS (American Numismatic Society -, dai link sopra citati e dal BMC, le caratteristiche fisiche di alcuni sesterzi della tipologia di figura battuti dalla zecca di Roma che raccolgo di seguito in tabella:

Riferimenti Peso (g.)  Asse di conio (ore) Diametro (mm)
1 20,41 12 -
2 20,51 1 -
3 21,27 1 -
4 22,79 12 33
link 1 22,31 12 -
link 2 16,38 - -
link 3 18,84 - -
link 4 23,91 - -
link 5 15,58 - -
link 6 21,35 - -
link 7 20,58 12 28
link 8 21,78 12 31
link 9 21,78 - 31
link 10 19,73 - 30
link 11 15,60 - 29
link 12 15,52 - 32
link 13 22,17 - 31
BMC 34 21,18 12 33
BMC 35 20,79 12 32
Dalla tabella si evince che il sesterzio di figura presenta caratteristiche fisiche (22g., 29.6÷31.4mm, 12h) compatibili con i conî d'epoca.
(2) IMPerator CAESar Decimus CAELius BALBINVS AVGustus. Per una breve sintesi storica del tumultuoso periodo di sei anni che va dal 238 al 244 d. C. (dall'ascesa dei Gordiani sino a quella di Filippo  l'Arabo), cliccare qui. Decimo Celio Calvino Balbino era nato nel 178 da famiglia patrizia. Due volte console, governatore di importanti province, era stato uno dei venti senatori incaricati dell'amministrazione dell'impero, quando, morti i due Gordiani, il 9 luglio del 238, aveva ricevuto dal Senato, insieme a Pupieno e con pari autorità, il titolo e l'incarico di Augusto. I due sovrani si ripartirono i compiti, Pupieno assunse il comando delle operazioni militari per contrastare l'offensiva di Massimino che dal Danubio si stava muovendo verso l'Italia, Balbino si occupò del governo degli affari civili e rimase a Roma. Poco tempo dopo, nei pressi di Aquileia, una rivolta militare pose fine alla vita di Massimino e con essa alla guerra. Pupieno poté rientrare a Roma come un trionfatore. Tra i due sovrani insorsero però delle gelosie e dei sospetti che il Senato cercò invano di appianare. Ne approfittarono i pretoriani che, nel corso di una sommossa, uccisero i due Augusti dopo appena 93 giorni di impero.
(3) PROVIDENTIA DEORVM. Per quanto riguarda la leggenda del rovescio, vale quanto già osservato in altra pagina di questo sito (cliccare qui) e cioè che a partire dal regno di Traiano sino agli inizi del quarto secolo d. C.  con il termine Previdenza degli dei si alludeva alla particolare lungimiranza divina che aveva favorito e determinato, riconoscendone i meriti, l'ascesa del sovrano. In questa visione, il globo simboleggia l'Impero Romano, mentre la cornucopia la prosperità che il nuovo regno prometteva di assicurare. 
Indice Dietro Avanti