Indice Dietro Avanti
Matidia Augusta che protegge i due fanciulli
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Roma, 7.5.2011
Di seguito riporto gli elementi che ho potuto raccogliere sulla moneta di figura:

AV aureo, zecca di Roma, 115-117 d. C., RIC II 759 (pag. 301), BMC III 659 (pag. 127), Cohen II 9 (pag. 102), indice di rarità "C".

Descrizione sommaria:
D. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE MARCIANAE F1. Busto di Matidia drappeggiato a destra; i capelli raccolti avanti e dietro in due crocchie divise da un doppio diadema alto sulla testa.
R. PIETAS AVGVST. Matidia (assimilata alla Pietas), drappeggiata, stante di fronte, testa a sinistra, le mani posate sulla testa di due piccole figure che sollevano lo sguardo e le mani verso di lei2.

La ricerca nel web di aurei autentici di tipologia simile a quella di figura ha prodotto i seguenti risultati:

  1. Source Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG Auction 38 (21.03.2007) Lot 55  ( «  |  » ) Price 37000 CHF (~30448 USD) Description The Roman Empire Matidia, daughter of Marciana No.: 55 Estimate: CHF 24000 d=21 mm Aureus 112, AV 7.17 g. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE – MARCIANAE F Draped bust r., hair elaborately dressed, above which crescent-shaped diadem. Rev. PIETAS AVGVST Matidia, as Pietas, standing facing, head to l., placing hands over Sabina and Matidia at either side. RIC Trajan 759. BMC Trajan 659. C 9. Vagi 1334. Calicó 1157 (this coin). Kent-Hirmer pl. 78, 274 (this obverse die). Biaggi 559 (this coin). Extremely rare. A few minor marks, otherwise about extremely fine Ex Glendining 1950, Platt Hall, 1344; Leu 22, 1979, 251 and Sotheby’s December 1990, Hunt part III, 77 sales. Matidia was the only niece of the emperor Trajan who, having no children of his own, displayed the greatest affection for her. He essentially treated her as a daughter, and she often accompanied him on his travels. In addition to her close connection to Trajan, Matidia shared a mutual fondness for the future emperor Hadrian, who she admired enough to permit him to marry her youngest daughter Sabina. When Matidia died in 119, her funeral oration was delivered by Hadrian himself, as her uncle Trajan had died two years earlier. The reverse of this coin depicts Matidia in the guise of the goddess Pietas affectionately placing her hands on the heads of two young children, both female, who doubtless represent her own two daughters Matidia the Younger and Sabina.
  2. Source Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG Auction 24 (05.12.2002) Lot 79  ( «  |  » ) Price 15000 CHF (~10193 USD) The Roman Empire Matidia, daughter of Marciana No.: 79 Schätzpreis - Estimate CHF 16000.- Aureus circa 112, 7.30 g. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE - MARCIANAE F Draped bust r., hair elaborately dressed, above which crescent-shaped diadem. Rev. PIETAS AVGVST Matidia, as Pietas, standing facing, head to l., placing hands over Sabina and Matidia at either side. RIC Trajan 759. BMC Trajan 659. C 9. Vagi 1334. Calicó 1157. Extremely rare. Light scratch on reverse, otherwise good very fine
    Matidia was the only niece of the emperor Trajan who, having no children of his own, displayed the greatest affection for her. He essentially treated her as a daughter, and she often accompanied him on his travels. In addition to her close connection to Trajan, Matidia shared a mutual fondness for the future emperor Hadrian, who she admired enough to permit him to marry her youngest daughter Sabina. When Matidia died in 119, her funeral oration was delivered by Hadrian himself, as her uncle Trajan had died two years earlier. The reverse of this coin depicts Matidia in the guise of the goddess Pietas affectionately placing her hands on the heads of two young children, both female, who doubtless represent her own two daughters Matidia the Younger and Sabina.
  3. Source UBS Gold & Numismatics Auction 63 (06.09.2005) Lot 323  ( «  |  » ) Price 20000 CHF (~16180 USD) ROMAN EMPIRE Trajan, 98-117. No.: 323 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 25000.- For Matidia. Aureus 115/117, Rome. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE - MARCIANAE F Draped bust to r.; her hair arranged in coils with jewels, front hair drawn over high comb with aigret. Rev. PIETAS - AVGVST Matidia standing facing, head turned l. and placing hands on the heads of Sabina and Matidia the younger standing by her sides. 7,29 g. RIC 759. Calico 1157. C. 9. Extremely rare. About extremely fine. Matidia, c. 68-119 was the daughter of Trajan's sister, Marciana, and mother of Sabina, future Empress under Hadrian. She was treated as a daughter by the childless Trajan. She was married twice and another daughter, Rupilia Faustina, was to be the grandmother of the future emperor Marcus Aurelius. Only two aurei types are known for this Augusta.
  4. Source UBS Gold & Numismatics Auction 78 (09.09.2008) Lot 1621  ( «  |  » ) Price 14500 CHF (~12844 USD) ANCIENT COINAGE SPECIAL COLLECTION OF ROMAN IMPERATORS AND EMPERORS ROMAN EMPIRE Matidia Augusta 112/4? – 119. No.: 1621 Schätzwert/Estimate: CHF 5000 Matidia was the daughter of Marciana and thus Trajan’s niece. Having no children himself, Trajan cared for her as if she were his own daughter. One of her daughters was Sabina, who was to marry the future emperor Hadrian. Aureus 115/117?, Rome. MATIDIA AVG DIVAE – MARCIANAE F Draped bust of Matidia with diadem and high coiffure to r. Rev. PIETAS – AVGVSTI Matidia standing facing, head turned l. and placing her hands on the heads of her children Sabina and Matidia the Youngest. 7,20 g. RIC 759. BMC 659. C. 9. Calicó 1157. Very rare. Several scratches and small planchet injuries. Nevertheless a good portrait. Very fine. Ex Evans Coll., Auction Naville & Co. Ars Classica 17, Geneva, 3 October 1934, lot 1389.
Concludo osservando che la moneta fa parte di un gruppo di repliche edite alcuni anni fa dal quotidiano di Genova, "Il Secolo XIX". La replica in esame risulta eseguita in modo piuttosto approssimativo sia per quanto concerne lo stile del riconio che, ovviamente, per il materiale utilizzato (non certamente l'oro).

Giulio De Florio

(1) MATIDIA AVGusta DIVAE MARCIANAE Filia (Matidia Augusta, figlia della divina Marciana). Matidia è la figlia di Marciana, sorella dell'imperatore Traiano, Augusta nel 107, deificata dopo la morte (119, v. link). Ebbe due figlie, Matidia Minore e Sabina, moglie dell'imperatore Adriano.
(2) PIETAS AVGVSTae. Strack sostiene (BMC, pag. lxxxiii) che i due fanciulli tenuti per mano da Matidia siano il futuro imperatore Adriano e Sabina, figlia di Matidia. Altri, come gli autori della replica (v. link) o come l'estensore della scheda di cui al link 1 di cui sopra, sostengono invece trattarsi delle due figlie di Matidia.
Indice Dietro Avanti